Enjoy free recipes, helpful articles, and downloadable guides to help you get the most out of Harmony House's dried and dehydrated food products.

Dried & Dehydrated Food Rehydration Chart

This rehydration chart is an excellent companion to keep close by as you prepare dried-food meals.

Soup Mixes & Blends Comparison Chart

Get a side-by-side comparison of our unique soup blends to better understand what you'll find in each package.

How to Use Dehydrated Food: Q&A

Review commonly asked questions about how to use and cook with dehydrated vegetables, beans, and TVP. Download the PDF for bonus recipes.

Our blog features a Recipes section that is dedicated to providing detailed cooking instructions, as well as tips for getting the most flavor and creativity out of dehydrated foods. The following are a few examples:

View All Recipes


The Harmony House Blog is the optimal resource for our products and how they can benefit your lifestyle. Explore detailed articles regarding backpacking and camping, the nutritional value of dried and dehydrated foods, RV food and storage, and much more.

Check out our FAQ page to access quick answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding our products and how they are prepared.

Videos are a great way to learn new recipes and other 'how-tos'. Check back regularly for new additions to our video section.

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(828) 306-1610

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