News: Harmony House Has a New Home
Posted by Harmony House Foods, Inc. on 7/18/2016 to
We are excited to announce that we are about to grow by adding 32,000 sq. ft. of space to our production facility. We will not lose our commitment to selling the freshest, all-natural, non-GMO dried fruits and vegetables. Whether you are buying food supplies for the trail or quick and healthy ingredients for dinners for your family, we are grateful for your business and, in return, we are happy to grow to serve you better in the future.
Uses for Savory Shiitake Mushrooms
Posted by Harmony House Foods, Inc. on 7/1/2016 to
Versatile, delicious dried shiitake mushrooms are an essential ingredient in many Japanese and Chinese dishes, though shiitakes add a rich (some describe it as earthy or meaty) flavor to any dish. Their excellent flavor boosting powers makes these mushrooms a great addition to sauces, stews, soups, casseroles, and more. Here are some great ways to use dried shiitakes in your kitchen.
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