Moose on the Trail

Moose on the Trail

Read an exciting encounter of our Harmony House Maine blogger meeting a moose on the trail!
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Fat Biking

Fat Biking

Cruuuuuuunch, cruuuuuuunch, cruuunch, cruunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch... Riding a fat tire bike during the Maine winter is not exactly the quietest of sports. Still, there's nothing I'd rather be doing on a Tuesday afternoon in January.
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Introducing our Maine Blogger

Introducing our Maine Blogger

This year we are pleased to introduce you to Keith Holland, our Maine blogger. Over the coming months, Keith will be giving us a front row seat to his adventures.
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Shayaan’s Story: A Real Life Tale of Dried Cabbage and a Rescue Horse Who Recovered from GI Ulcers

Shayaan’s Story: A Real Life Tale of Dried Cabbage and a Rescue Horse Who Recovered from GI Ulcers

Over the years, horse owners have shared with us that our dried cabbage helped their horses recover from ulcers. We recently heard one such story that really touched our hearts...
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AT Hiker Dale Sanders “Grey Beard” Q&A at Harmony House HQ

AT Hiker Dale Sanders “Grey Beard” Q&A at Harmony House HQ

Dale Sanders, better known as Grey Beard, is well on his way to becoming the oldest person ever to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail (he’ll be 82 when he finishes the trail in September or October). Harmony House Foods is proud to be sponsoring Dale on his trip and we invited him to visit us at our headquarters in Franklin, North Carolina, when he passed through on the AT.


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Harmony House Interviews Dale Sanders: The Backpacker Seeking to Become the Oldest Person to Ever Thru-hike the Appalachian Trail

Harmony House Interviews Dale Sanders: The Backpacker Seeking to Become the Oldest Person to Ever Thru-hike the Appalachian Trail

Dale Sanders currently holds the world record as the oldest man to have solo paddled the entire Mississippi River. Dale—who is also known as the Grey Beard Adventurer—completed the course, traveling some 2,320 miles from the Mississippi’s source in Lake Itasca, Minnesota, to the Gulf of Mexico over a three-month period. He and his record-breaking trip on the Mississippi were profiled in the 2016 documentary film Dale Sanders: Source to Sea.

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News: Harmony House Has a New Home

Harmony House Foods News

We are excited to announce that we are about to grow by adding 32,000 sq. ft. of space to our production facility. We will not lose our commitment to selling the freshest, all-natural, non-GMO dried fruits and vegetables. Whether you are buying food supplies for the trail or quick and healthy ingredients for dinners for your family, we are grateful for your business and, in return, we are happy to grow to serve you better in the future. 

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The Importance of Space Food For Astronauts

Harmony House Food in SpaceAt the 2011 International Mars Society Convention, Dr. Jean Hunter of the Mars Desert Research Station answered a question very close to all of our hearts: Why is food so important? But in this case, Dr. Hunter is referring to the necessity of food specifically for astronauts in space. She affirms that “food is essential to the crew’s health and to their physical performance,” but her research and experiences have led to an understanding that “it’s also essential psychologically” and more emotionally significant than some may have previously understood.
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